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311 photographers
34 countries

Some 311 professional photographers in some 35 countries have enthusiastically volunteered to participate. Among them:



Francisco (93) & Hinda (89) Wichter photographed by Magali Druscovich in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2019




Rina Castelnuovo


An Israeli photographer and filmmaker and one of Israel’s most awarded photojournalists. Rina began her career four decades ago with the Associated Press and for the past 30 years photographed for The New York Times in Israel and the Palestinian Authority, covering war and peace in the Middle East.


Jim Hollander


An award-winning American photographer with a career spanning more than four decades. Jim served as Chief Photographer and editor for Israel and the Palestinian Authority with UPI, Reuters, and epa, and has covered conflicts and other international news in the Middle East, Africa & Europe. His long-standing passion for Spain led to his books Run To The Sun, (2002)  and Pizarra to Pamplona (2016). Jim and Rina have been married for nearly 40 years.


Chagai Rot


Project producer & coordinator. Ph.D. biologist.


​Yuval Rakavy



Renowned Israeli "technology guru" and an avid photographer who, together with his wife Michal, share their love and passion for the arts.


​Anna-Patricia Kahn


Director of CLAIRbyKahn Gallery, curates exhibitions, edits photography books & collaborates with international collectors and artists.


​Randy Cole


Principle and Founder of Randy Cole Represents, an American agency working worldwide with creative, award-winning photographers, directors & artists.


Gisela Kayser


Internationally acclaimed curator with over 300 exhibitions at FkWBH Photo, Berlin.


Bradley Burston


Text editor. Journalist and columnist.



Additional Assistance


​Colette Avital, Center Organization of Holocaust Survivors in Israel


Naomi Assia, advocate.


Judah Passow, photographer & lecturer, UK.


Howard Goller, text editing.


John Hubbard, graphic artist & book designer.


Nella Magen Cassouto, former curator at The Israel Museum & international independent curator.


Howard & Lise Cohen, research & production coordination, based in Colorado, USA.


Jean-Luc Landier, former Deputy Director Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah (FMS) in Paris.


Dr. Alexandra Laignel-Lavastine, French historian, philosopher & author.​


Brian J. Gale, website - consulting & design.


Lauren Winfield, content director Magnum, NYC.


​Tova Fish-Rosenberg, creator and producer of "Names, Not Numbers," NYC.


Harry D. Wall, journalist, advocacy & consulting.


Patrick Roberts, graphics direction.


Jeffrey Smith, executive director Contact Press Images, NYC.


​Nati Shohat, photojournalist & director Flash '90, Jerusalem.


Heidi Levine, American photojournalist.


Ohad Zwigenberg, photojournalist.


Elisheva Farjon, contributor.


Ilan Greenfield, Publisher, Gefen Publishing House, Ltd., Jerusalem









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